
Does crossbow herbicide kill clover
Does crossbow herbicide kill clover

does crossbow herbicide kill clover

This will keep costs down and avoid multiple trips through the field. Try to choose a product that will control as many of the weeds that you have as possible. Weedmaster provides excellent control of broadleaf weeds and is the preferred product in hay operations. However, it only injures ryegrass and is poor on horsenettle. This product is excellent on bahiagrass, curly dock, buttercup, wild garlic, and spiny amaranth. One note here on 2,4-D: when applied at lower rates, it will not harm white clover. It gives excellent control of bitter sneeze weed, plantains, buttercup, and ragweed but relatively poor control of horsenettle and most woody weeds. Probably the most well-known product is 2,4-D. There are many products on the market that will do a fine job of controlling broadleaf weeds. Here are some things to keep in mind when trying to control weeds. Not only does it make for better quality hay, but it also eliminates competition from the weeds, which allows the grass to fully utilize available moisture and nutrients and reach maximum yield potential. Everyone recognizes the need for weed control. We are also including grass species other than the one we are cultivating, i.e. So, we aren’t just talking about what we commonly think of as weeds.

does crossbow herbicide kill clover

First of all, a weed is defined as any plant growing where you don’t want it. I have had a few calls lately about some weed issues, so I thought this might be a good time to discuss some products again.

Does crossbow herbicide kill clover